
Connecticut State Government


Connecticut, much like Colorado, was named for the river running through it. The word possibly stems from the Native American term quinnitukqut, meaning beside or at the long tidal river.

Capital: Hartford

Largest Cities: BridgeportDanbury, GreenwichMystic, New Britain, New Haven, New London, Norwalk, Putnam, Stamford, Waterbury, West Hartford

Present Constitution Drafted: December 30, 1965

Entered Union: January 9, 1788 (5)

Motto: “He who transplanted still sustains”

State Flower: Mountain Laurel

State Tree: White Oak

State Bird: American Robin

State Dog: Not Specified

State Insect: European Praying Mantis

State Song: “Yankee Doodle”

Nickname: The Constitution State, Nutmeg State